The original idea for Stutterheim raincoats was born when founder Alexander Stutterheim discovered his grandfathers old rain coat in an abandoned barn. An immediate feeling of nostalgia and the realisation that the coat was both well designed and functional gave him the idea to make an updated contemporary version as a homage to his grandfather.
After his discovery, He went out and bought a piece of oilcloth. From this Alexander cut out a design using the old coat as a pattern. He showed the sample to a couple of friends. And after some improvements, there it was – the 60‘s raincoat from the archipelago, updated to fit the modern man and woman.
He took the prototype to the last standing textile factory in Sweden, in the small town of Borås – rainwear has long since been engulfed by the sportswear industry, and production moved to countries with lower costs far away. As soon as he met the manager, Johan Käll and the seamstresses, Birgitta and Lena, I knew they were the right people. A perfect match. With their skills, craftsmanship and great attention to materials and detail we realised our raincoats should be handmade. A great way to honour his grandfather's durable and practical raincoat.